Measles IgG & IgM Dot Assay Kits
Measles IgG Dot assay Kit and Measles IgM Dot assay Kit are IMMUNOASSAY KITS based on dot filtration assay principle, used an aid in the diagnosis of Measles infection.

Measles IgG & IgM Test Kits
Measles IgG Dot assay Kit and Measles IgM Dot assay Kit are IMMUNOASSAY KITS based on the Dot Immuno Gold Filtration Assay (DIGFA) principle, which are intended to be used to detect respectively the IgG and IgM antibody to Morbilli virus in human serum or plasma specimen, as an aid in the diagnosis of Measles infection.
Why Measles Antibody Test Matter
The laboratory diagnosis of IgG and IgM antibodies to measles virus can be of great help in the diagnosis process. When the measles IgM antibody is detected in a patient's blood, it is a strong indicator of measles infection; while a positive result of Measles IgG test result may indicate the past infection, or the immunity status to this disease.
Testing Principle
In these measles antibody test kits, purified measles antigen is used as capturer, which is pre-coated on the nitrocellulose membrane of the dot assay cassette. A second antibody, i.e. anti-human IgG or IgM antibodies labeled with colloidal gold particle is used as detector. When the target IgG or IgM antibody presents in the specimen, the antigen-antibody-secondary antibody complex will form in the testing spot. With the accumulation of colloidal gold particles which is colored, some visual dot will develop in the test region, indicating a positive result.
Measles Disease
Measles, also known as rubeola or morbilli, is a highly infectious respiratory disease. Studies show that 90% of people without immunity will be infected if they shares living space with an infected person. Measles is spread through respiration contact with fluids from an infected person's nose and mouth, either directly or through aerosol droplets transmission.
There is only one measles virus serotype, and the antigenicity is the same, so people who had suffered from measles generally has the immunity to it all the life. Measles is an endemic disease. In populations that have not been exposed to measles, exposure to measles as a new disease can be devastating. According to WHO, measles is a leading cause of vaccine-preventable childhood mortality.