C. Pneumonia Dot Assay Kits
Chlamydia Pneumonia Dot Assay kits are a series of rapid test kits based on the Dot filtration immno assay principle, as an aid in the diagnosis of Chlamydia Pneumonia disease.
Intended Use
C.Pneumonia Dot Assay kits are a series of rapid test kits based on the principle of Dot Immuno Gold Filtration Assay (DIGFA), for the detection of IgG and IgM class of antibodies specific to Chlamydophila pneumoniae bacteria in human serum or plasma specimen, as an aid in the diagnosis of Chlamydia Pneumonia. Atlas Link Technology Co., Ltd is supplies pneumonia rapid test kits including C.Pneumonia IgG test kit and C.Pneumonia IgM kit.
Epidemic Route
The C.Pneumonia bacteria are often transmitted among people via respiratory secretions. The bacteria become air-borne when an infected person coughs; when this happen in a crowd, the bacteria are breathed in and settle in the lung of healthy persons, reproduce within cells, and cause symptoms. Avoid the crowed settings is a good choice when regional outbreak of pneumonia happens.
Chlamydia Pneumonia
Chlamydia pneumonia is an infectious lung disease, caused the bacteria of Chlamydophila pneumoniae. Chlamydia pneumonia tends to be milder in adults, but may occasionally be more serious in elderly people, people with medical conditions such as diabetes, and those with compromised immune condition. The early symptoms are similar to the common cold, a runny nose, sore throat and hoarse voice; then cough, fatigue, headache, bronchitis, inflammation of the airways and chest pain usually follow.
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