Anti-HCV Rapid Test Kits
Atlas Link Technology Co., Ltd supplies one-step HCV antibody lateral flow rapid test kits, which are intended to be used to detect HCV antibodies in human serum/whole blood specimen, as a quick and convenient aid in the diagnosis of Hepatitis-C infection.
HCV Antibody Rapid Test
Atlas Link Technology Co., Ltd supplies one-step anti-HCV rapid test kits. All these lateral flow immunoassay test kits are based on the principle of double antigen sandwich immunoassay, which use purified recombinant HCV antigens to identify hepatitis-C antibody with high sensitivity and specificity. And these HCV rapid test kits are widely used as quick and convenient aid in the diagnosis of Hepatitis-C infection. And anti-HCV serum rapid test cassette is CE2265 marked.
HCV Antibody Testing Results
With these HCV antibody test kits, if positive results are observed, this may mean any of the following:
- the testee has a short-term infection and will get better on their own (15%);
- the testee has a long-term infection, and is at risk for developing cirrhosis or liver cancer later in life;
- the infection has resolved (the person was infected in the past but is no longer infected);
- the test was incorrect (a false positive result).
So when these screening test kits shows positive result, more advanced technology are recommended to be performed under the administration of a physician; and a final diagnosis conclusion should be reached together with other clinical measures.
Hepatitis-C Infection
Hepatitis C is a liver disease caused by the hepatitis C virus. Most infected persons develop chronic, long-term Hepatitis C and are at risk for cirrhosis (scarring of the liver) and liver failure. Hepatitis C accounts for nearly 8,000-10,000 deaths each year, and is regarded as among the most serious disease of the six detectable hepatitis disease types. This means that screening test should be performed with those who are vulnerable to hepatitis-C infection.
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