STD Test Kits

Atlas Link Technology Co., Ltd is supplying the following IVD STD test kits, including lateral flow rapid test kits and immuno filtration rapid test kits, which can be used as point of care test (POCT) kits in the diagnosis of sexually transmitted Diseases.

STD IVD Rapid Test Strip and Cassette

STD Rapid POCT Test Kits

Venereal diseases, are some infectious diseases including syphilis, Gonorrhea, which are traditionally known as Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD) that are transmitted during sexually actions, and cause symptoms in the reproductive organs, although other direct connect or even indirect contact can also cause infection. In 1975, WHO extended the scope to up to 50 diseases, and included many which are easier to be transmitted during sexual activities, and renamed it as Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD). These diseases posed a substantial threat to human public health.

In the diagnosis, a doctor will take different proofs into consideration before a clinical conclusion is made, including medical history, clinical symptoms and clinical testing results. The accuracy of the IVD test kits will affect the diagnosis of the disease significantly, thus influence the treatment of the diseases. So a proper Venereal disease test kit with high sensitivity and specificity is very important to the diagnosis of the STD diseases.

One step rapid test kit, DOT filtration test or ELISA kit are very common STD test kits which utilizes the antigen antibody reaction to analyze whether there is any specific antibody or antigen in the in-vitro specimen (for example swab specimen of the infected organ, serum or whole blood) so as to help the diagnosis of the specific sexually transmitted diseases.

STD POCT Test Kits

Atlas Link Technology Co., Ltd is supplying the following IVD STD test kits, including lateral flow rapid test kits and immuno filtration rapid test kits, which can be used as point of care test (POCT) kits in the diagnosis of sexually transmitted Diseases.